I think the Unicode consortium should be taught that full-width and half-width downarrow can be distinguished just as full-width Romaji can be distinguished from half-width Romaji, without even needing CJK. Even a full-width plain blank space is distinguished from a half-width plain blank space.
However, anyone who edits these source files will likely have CJK fonts. The comments are mostly in Japanese. Strings have mostly been moved to data files, but changes to the code are generally accompanied by adding or editing strings that are also Japanese.
Post by Norman DiamondPost by Norman DiamondI do not agree with your statement that downarrow should be displayed as
half-width. It is still
Post by Norman Diamondthe same character that it used to be in ShiftJIS and EUC encodings, and
the adoption of Unicode
Post by Norman Diamondand UTF-8 does not change the width of the glyph.
The ambiguous width problem have been discussed for a long time.
There is no way to distinguish CJK down arrow and non-CJK down arrow.
Post by Norman DiamondIf I the character becomes half-width when I edit source files in Konsole,
but it's still
Post by Norman Diamondfull-width when other people edit the same source files in a Gnome terminal
or even in Windows,
Post by Norman Diamondit will result in people scrambling source files.
If they edit GNOME terminal without CJK fonts, arrows are half-width.
Even if we resolve this Konsole bug, your problem will not be resolved.
You still need to keep in mind that down arrow (and some other characters) have
ambiguous width.
Post by Norman DiamondI do not know who decided that downarrow should have an ambiguous width.
If the Unicode consortium decided that, they're causing problems.
Anyway, let's fix this Konsole's bug.
It is quite difficult to propose a new Unicode specification that can be
acceptable for both CJK and non-CJK people.
Post by Norman DiamondSince the font selection dialog's preview uses Qt widgets instead of
whatever Konsole uses, we
Post by Norman Diamondknow that the full-width downarrow character is displayed as full-width by
these Linux tools.
Post by Norman DiamondFurthermore in Suse 11.0 Konsole itself also displayed the full-width
downarrow character as
Post by Norman Diamondfull-width. So I think this bug is in the newer version of Konsole itself,
not in the rest of
Post by Norman DiamondLinux. I can't say if the preview window should be removed because it
doesn't really provide a
Post by Norman Diamondpreview, but it helped narrow down this bug.
I do not agree with your statement that downarrow should be displayed as
half-width. It is still
Post by Norman Diamondthe same character that it used to be in ShiftJIS and EUC encodings, and
the adoption of Unicode
Post by Norman Diamondand UTF-8 does not change the width of the glyph.
If I the character becomes half-width when I edit source files in Konsole,
but it's still
Post by Norman Diamondfull-width when other people edit the same source files in a Gnome terminal
or even in Windows,
Post by Norman Diamondit will result in people scrambling source files.
Full-width a and half-width a do not have ambiguous widths. Full-width ア
and half-width ア do not
Post by Norman Diamondhave ambiguous widths. I do not know who decided that downarrow should
have an ambiguous width.
Post by Norman DiamondIf the Unicode consortium decided that, they're causing problems.
Yours sincerely, Norman Diamond
----- Forwarded Message -----
01:30 Subject: Re: [opensuse-m17n] Konsole displays some characters
Post by Norman DiamondPost by Norman DiamondI still think there's a bug.
Yes, this is clearly a Japanese specific bug. Could you file a bug
report for openSUSE and
Post by Norman DiamondKDE?
I saw a patch to fix the same problem with emacs about 5 years ago. So
I think this problem can
Post by Norman Diamondbe resolved by some hacks.
Post by Norman DiamondKonsole knows that the glyph for 字 is full-width, so Konsole
should know that the glyph for
Post by Norman DiamondPost by Norman Diamonddownarrow is full-width.
Down arrow is known as ambiguous-width character. Monospaced font
should provide half-width
Post by Norman Diamonddown arrow but some Japanese fonts such as IPA Gothic and MS Gothic do
full-width down arrow
Post by Norman Diamondfrom a kind of historical reason.
Post by Norman DiamondThe version of Konsole that was included in Suse 11.0 did know
that downarrow is
Post by Norman DiamondPost by Norman Diamondfull-width. I never had to look at what the default font was
because it just worked.
Post by Norman DiamondKonsole's character layouting was changed recently as far as I know
so that some
Post by Norman Diamond(flexible-width) bold fonts can be placed correctly.
I guess it causes this problem.
In the 固定幅フォントを選択 - Konsole panel, the bottom part is a text box. I
can type or paste text in
Post by Norman Diamondthe text box. I↓↓↓↓↓can↓↓↓↓↓paste↓↓↓↓↓five↓↓↓↓↓downarrows, and they
display correctly in that
Post by Norman Diamondtext box. Konsole corrupts the display in its main window, and the
preview window does not
Post by Norman Diamondpreview the
Unfortunately, the preview is for font selection dialog and Qt widgets.
It is not preview of
Post by Norman DiamondKonsole.
Maybe, the preview should be removed.
There is a worse bug.
In the 固定幅フォントを選択 - Konsole panel, the bottom part is a text box. I
can type or paste text in
Post by Norman Diamondthe text box. I↓↓↓↓↓can↓↓↓↓↓paste↓↓↓↓↓five↓↓↓↓↓downarrows, and they
display correctly in that
Post by Norman Diamondtext box. Konsole corrupts the display in its main window, and the
preview window does not
Post by Norman Diamondpreview the corruption.
Yours sincerely,Norman Diamond
Post by Norman DiamondI click 設定 > 現在のプロファイルを編集(E)... > 外観 In フォント > プレビュー
it says Monospace Oh now I see, next
Post by Norman DiamondPost by Norman Diamondto フォントサイズ where it lets me change the size, there's a
clickable button to select a font.
Post by Norman DiamondPost by Norman DiamondIn that panel it says モノスペース instead of Monospace.
Thank you for the workaround. I will experiment with some
fonts. I would like to
Post by Norman DiamondPost by Norman Diamondrecommend that the preview box should include some full-width
characters so that users can
Post by Norman DiamondPost by Norman Diamondjudge more easily. If a font doesn't include glyphs for
full-width characters then users
Post by Norman DiamondPost by Norman Diamondwill see immediately that they shouldn't experiment with
such a font.
Post by Norman DiamondPost by Norman DiamondI still think there's a bug.
Konsole knows that the glyph for 字 is full-width, so Konsole
should know that the glyph for
Post by Norman DiamondPost by Norman Diamonddownarrow is full-width.
The version of Konsole that was included in Suse 11.0 did know
that downarrow is
Post by Norman DiamondPost by Norman Diamondfull-width. I never had to look at what the default font was
because it just worked.
Post by Norman DiamondPost by Norman DiamondYours sincerely, Norman Diamond
Post by Fuminobu TAKEYAMAOk, Monospace is an alias of IPAGothic on your environment.
The font, IPAGothic provides double-width down-allow glyph
although Konsole assumes that
'a' and '0'.
Post by Norman DiamondPost by Norman DiamondPost by Fuminobu TAKEYAMAA solution is to use another font such as DejaVu Sans Mono.
Settings > Edit Current Profile... > Appearance
If you do not need Japanese fonts, please uninstall
ipa-gothic-fonts. So another font is
Post by Norman DiamondPost by Norman DiamondPost by Fuminobu TAKEYAMAto be selected for Monospace.
Yes the font is Monospace. I did not change it from
the default. A
allowed me to
Internet Explorer
and fc-match -v Monospace from
interface will scramble the text that
Post by Norman DiamondPost by Norman DiamondPost by Fuminobu TAKEYAMAI will paste below, so I ALSO attach
Post by Fuminobu TAKEYAMAoutputs as files.
Output of fc-match -v
Pattern has 41 elts (size 48) family: "IPA
"IPAPGothic"(w) "IPA P
Post by Norman DiamondPost by Norman DiamondPost by Fuminobu TAKEYAMAゴシック"(w) fullnamelang: "en"(w)
True(w) hintstyle: 0(i)(w) hinting: True(w)
verticallayout: False(s) autohint: True(w)
"/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ipagp.ttf"(w) index: 0(i)(w)
fontversion: 198574(i)(s)
otlayout:latn"(w) fontformat: "TrueType"(w)
0(i)(w) namelang: "ja"(s)
force_hintstyle: "none"(w) force_autohint: False(w)
Post by Norman DiamondPost by Norman DiamondPost by Fuminobu TAKEYAMAforce_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w)
Output of fc-match -v Monospace
"IPAゴシック"(s) "IPAGothic"(s) familylang: "ja"(s)
stylelang: "en"(w) fullname: "IPAGothic"(w)
Post by Norman DiamondPost by Norman DiamondPost by Fuminobu TAKEYAMAfullnamelang: "en"(w) "ja"(w)
12(f)(s) pixelsize: 12.5(f)(s) spacing: 90(i)(w)
True(w) hintstyle: 0(i)(w) hinting: True(w)
verticallayout: False(s) autohint: True(w)
"/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ipag.ttf"(w) index: 0(i)(w)
fontversion: 198574(i)(s)
otlayout:latn"(w) fontformat: "TrueType"(w)
lcdfilter: 0(i)(w) namelang: "ja"(s)
force_hintstyle: "none"(w) force_autohint: False(w)
Post by Norman DiamondPost by Norman DiamondPost by Fuminobu TAKEYAMAforce_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w)
----- Original Message -----
[opensuse-m17n] Konsole displays some
Post by Norman DiamondPost by Norman Diamondcharacters
Post by Fuminobu TAKEYAMAwrong
Post by Fuminobu TAKEYAMAHi,
Which font do you use on Konsole?
Then, can you share the result of fc-match -v?
If the font is "Monospace" then run
Post by Norman DiamondPost by Norman DiamondPost by Fuminobu TAKEYAMAPost by Fuminobu TAKEYAMAthe following
$ fc-match -v Monospace
# you can snip off "charset:" section
Post by Norman DiamondIn openSUSE 13.2, in Konsole,
downarrow↓displays↓wrong. The file encoding,
Five↓↓↓↓↓downarrows↓↓↓↓↓look↓↓↓↓↓like↓↓↓↓↓three. vim counts characters properly
had no problem